The Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum (PNF) stems from the Localism Act 2011 in which neighbourhoods are encouraged to devise their own Neighbourhood Plans (NP). These Plans must cohere with national policy as well as the Local Plan i.e. Westminster’s policies. But the main advantage of a neighbourhood having its own NP, is that, when it has been through all the hoops , it will carry ‘material’ consideration when all future planning applications pertaining to our neighbourhood are determined.
The Pimlico Neighbourhood Forum (PNF) stems from the Localism Act 2011 in which neighbourhoods are encouraged to devise their own Neighbourhood Plans (NP). These Plans must cohere with national policy as well as the Local Plan I.e. Westminster’s strategic policies. The main advantage of a neighbourhood having its own NP, is that, when it has been through all the hoops , it will carry ‘material’ consideration when all future planning applications pertaining to our neighbourhood are determined. It also enables a neighbourhood to set out what matters to them, well before planning proposals are developed which should help steer appropriate developments in our area.
We had a good start as WCC quickly recognised Pimlico FREDA was a good vehicle to initiate the project. The Forum area, agreed by WCC , lies south of Buckingham Palace Road and is bordered by Vauxhall Bridge Road and the River but does not include Churchill Gardens who have their own Forum.
A very diligent Steering Group, chaired by Peter Ruback, a former senior civil servant, has been working on the NP for just under 3 years with the assistance of a planning consultant and the Knightsbridge Association (the latter is the first Association in Westminster to have a ratified Plan). Our NP is currently out for it first formal public consultation, after holding an earlier exhibition in late 2017. Comments relayed on it will be considered by both the Steering Group and WCC. After revisions, there will be another public consultation and a local referendum held on the final NP. This will probably take place next Summer.
In the early days Ken Sparkes 5Fields website hosted the Forum, but from the end of July it has had its own website at where the Draft Plan can be downloaded or click here. The Steering Group have asked for comments under the general headings in the plan if possible rather than detailed drafting comments on the policies. This is because they need to understand what the broad support is for each area as well as any detailed concerns and the reasons for them. Peter Ruback is happy to give a presentation to any RA who makes a request and is giving one to FREDA reps at their next meeting on 16 September.
Any Pimlico resident can become a member of the PNF. It costs nothing. But, once the Plan is in place, the PNF and FREDA will have to decide upon their future roles and how both organisations work together and how they will be funded.